Monday, 1 April 2013

STOP Running on Fucking Emotions

Like what the fuck? 
Why is it that if i state my opinion I get shunned down when YOU  asked for it. God dammit . . i'm tired of living in this household and I swear I'm going to die young.

My older brother , older by 5 years. Being this emotional little asswipe, like honestly. Grow a dam pair of balls and stop acting as the bystander. Stop being so fucking blind that their isn't a double standard in this house, neither is their a clique as you do say so. The only problem I see to , is that you are the scared. Scared that whatever you say to our father you'll get denied and yelled at for doing so. Holy shit .  . don't start taking out your own personal frustrations at me.

This fight started over the past fights we had. By now , it has accumulated to the point that i'm legit swearing(which I don't do , very often but felt the dying urge to show my anger towards him).

I get it , life is hard because you're 23 and you pay the bills. My hat goes to ya, but when you're mad, angry even frustrated, gives you no excuse to run on emotions if something or someone pisses you off. 
Kudos to you  sir , for going into a fight where you go into a battle of listing all my faults I did as a childhood. Oh and no I'm not going to suck your dick bitch ,because you aren't ghetto neither are you T.O.P. 
"Whatever you're just running on emotions and that you need to realize how ignorant you are with this double standard"

 "Well at least I don't go talk to my friends , youtube or blog about this shit. Let alone go back into cutting yourself you faggot" .  - no.1 big brother award goes to him 

Like seriously. How fucking dare you start saying I'm not allowed to even talk to anyone or let alone express how I feel about this family in a calmly way. The fucking times , I talk to my friends have kept me sane from going back to smoking , from trying drugs from whatever can make me escape reality. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO CALL THEM SHIT. Oh and further more , you still remember I cut myself? Wow are you a fan of my personal life? Sure I did it when I was young but don't be so ignorant on people who cut. They all have reasons and if that reason is to cut themselves as an outlet, you have no right to question let alone mock them later on in the future why. So congratulations bitch, I've learned that you're an emotional adult running on emotions as well someone who cant let go of the past and look to the future. 

Holy .  . moly. . . the second brother comes in. Asking me to apologize to my oldest brother and im like no. He won't learn from it. My second brother replies " You know you're rude and that we can always beat you up ,but we choose now too. Would you rather have a brother who does or doesn't" . Wow you're fucking e right? I'm legit getting questioned if I should get beat for giving my opinion.  I reply " You do know ,that is a threat. A threat like that seems dangerous for me to live here and even if you did lets say beat me up , I can call the police to arrest you. Arresting you or him will make you go to jail and when you come out of the job, the chances of people looking at your background to get hired will be slim. . . . As well for the offence of violence , people will look twice at your profile". Lmao and this reply comes out " Lol , i'll say it was self defense" . You're kidding right? I'm not fat nor muscly but I do have a brain to understand right from wrong. 
His replies " SEE , YOU NEVER LISTEN AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE TO BOTHER ETC ETC ETC ETC" . Point being is that I make my statements clear. I don't ask for much but I do want a say when the rightful time comes. Its not that I don't care , its when you start asking for my opniion but when it strives of the truth you want to hear. You go anal and start whipping out my old past. 

Fuck you, Fuck your face , fuck your emotions. I just blogged about my emotions. You mad -.- ?

Sorry guys . . needed to get it off my chest.