Tuesday, 29 January 2013

January Top 5 Quincy's Music Pick

Hey guys , so for anyone who does read my blog. I think many of you noticed I like Kpop but I love all kinds of music ㅋㅋ So anyways . . . These aren't necessarily going to be released in January but I'll try to focus around the month :).

Top 5 Music Picks of January

SNSD - I Got A Boy
5) This has been one of my jams since the start of the new year, the intricate dance moves caught my sleepy attention as well with the mix of beats. Each member has their own segement and spotlight which actually is awesome because we usually see the main '3' girls in every other video overshadowing everyone else . So kudos to SM finally realizing this. LETS HOPE it stays that way. 

Bruno Mars- Locked Out of Heaven

4) Number 4 goes to Bruno Mars , The beat is just so raw and retro. However, it's not just the rawness and retro aspect that makes this song awesome. It just feels like something you can rock too and sing with a girl/guy in a swing club while dancing. The feel is sooo 80's and a mix of reggae. Defiantly a must listen too. The 2:45 is just eargasm * 0 *.  .  sometimes I wish I had his voice :[ . . . MOVING ON!

P!nk- Try
3) This song is just too fabulous, the song just speaks for itself that you guys should never give up. Legit , this song is my exercise song xP and when I feel like I'm about to die in pain T . T exercising im like TRY TRY TRY TRY. This song is so motivating and powerful. As well the MV is just an awesome bonus , i've never seen P!ink dance contemporary so watching those raw powerful moves. Ughhhhhhhh for sure this is going to stick as an amazing song in my itunes and I would never skip it. 

어반자카파(URBAN ZAKAPA) - 니가 싫어(I hate you)

2) Ughh the vibes I get listening to this, The song just feels like those hipster songs you would find in a coffee cafe. Where you can chill or even just listen to this as a song after a harsh breakup or sad event. Defiantly  a song you could fall into sleep with ( IN A GOOD WAY). If you like to hear piano's and 3 angles beautifully belt out notes. LISTENNNN , I COMMAND YOU. Also, did you know in Korea they play so much of Urban Zakapa that it even overshadows the mainstream KPOP movement because thats how great their songs are. Very highly respected indie korean band in my books and you can't lie if you said they weren't talented.

Nine Muses-  Doll

1) Lastly , Nine Muses takes the cake for this month. The sweet tunes and reggae kind of feel as well as the consistency of their past music. Is what I feel brought them to me, as number 1. Their music has always been really good and it's a shame that their overlooked as the " girls who copied SNSD" but the thing is they aren't like SNSD. I feel like their music could be blasted airwaves but because everyone is so fixated into the structural status of the group they forgot they key element of why a group was created and that is the music. Well anyways, I hope you guys check this out and support them. By far they have improved so much and hearing this song to me is like my groove song when I want to cook or do my hair lolol.  

Agree or disagree with my picks ? And have suggestion on what else you guys want me to comment and take a look at?  Comment :D. AHUEHUEHE, 

Bye bye~!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Finding the Perfect Job (it's not easy imo)

Hey guys , 

Today what struck upon me when I was working is, "when will the perfect job come to me?". Lets just make sure you guys know some pretext. . My family isn't in the best shape right now and I've only worked 2 jobs in my life.. The jobs I get hired for is serving and I still do today. I don't like it nor hate it but these past months I've been just looking at myself in the mirror. Pondering the thought that I feel like I could do so much more, though I am thankful they took me in because I need the money. I just wished that I could get a job that I had planned for in the beginning of my career journey. .I mean like, I know I maybe acting spoiled with the job I already have at the moment, but for sure in my life I don't want to be stuck as a server. I don't know =/ maybe it is just me having second thoughts. Since beggars aren't choosers and you can guess what position I am in atm lol =P  . . Though I am not ashamed of it, I pictured myself doing a job that I will at least have fun doing.  

Hmm... and you know whats else is cheesing me with this? My ever so amazing father. My relation with him wasn't the greatest since young and still is. However, to think that when he drives to me work or does anything that helps me somehow benefit to my work. He now thinks that he's the biggest contributor in me, getting my job. I know I can't drive and all -- I even planned myself to take the bus. But because he drives me now he feels like I'm obligated to pay him for "gas fees" and "family expenses". -__- Really? I'm a fucking minor for gods sakes. I don't even make enough to have three zeroes in my pay check. URGG LET ME SAVE UP FOR UNIVERSITY GOD DAMMIT, cause I know you messed up with my savings account with your ever so infamous gambling addiction SO NOW I better start saving... THE LEAST YOU CAN do is not ask me for money. Gosh.... He kept trying to anxiously persuade me but not blatantly to pay him, he asks for 80% of what I get in my pay check. Where the 20% goes back to me. . . Now imagine I work only a limited amount of days because the place I was hired in , had took me in on a special request and was never hiring in the first place. I make less then 3 zeroes so imagine .-.... my 80% gone. . to the finger tips of someone I loath. Now , the thoughts that may go to your head is "why not say no?". Ha . . . if only it was ever so easy. 
Since he was a part of the reasons why my family is a slump. He uses the family card on me and because I do care about my family ( though I don't show it well) I just feel guilty that if I don't pay him , its naturally going to hurt back the family in the end. So.. I don't know. I'm lost and thinking about actually giving him the money I worked hard for. While he sits at home watching tv,  reading newspaper and whatever he does I don't really care about. 
So this brings me back to the perfect job.. I know maybe when I get older I'll maybe get it, but it sucks. I feel like im not working for me but for him. Fuckmeright.jpg =/ . To anyone who does read my personal stories, please don't pity me. Why?
  1. I'm thankful that people actually care to read what I say , or even have a interest in my life. And making someone in a depressed or sad mood isn't my forte.
  2. I have this mindset in my head that pushes anyone who pities or is sad for me. Fall into my public zone because probably they feel obligated to help. But if you really got to know me then you'll understand that i'm not just a sad story. Just a kid with extraordinary problems xP. 
  3. LIVE LIFE AND MOVE ON. I only write these to express what's going in my head since I find that writing things out is my outlet. A  healthier way then what I used to do.
Anyways . . . My question for you guys is have any of you guys found your perfect job? If you don't have a job yet , what job are you thinking about going for?  :)) I wish all of you best of luck.

Bye bye~! 

Friday, 25 January 2013

High School Exam problem? Quincy's guide :D along with CANDY!

Hey guys,

For the past few weeks now our school has started the exam week session. That is when students from freshman to senior start prepping notes for their examination, which is the week after. During these weeks students and friends in my school are practically living zombies with no sleep. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!! Kidding xP it is imperative to get sleep guys. . . Anyways with a huge chunk of studying to do for this week. Why not plan next year so next year you will be more prepared. 

Exam prepping ( Quincy style OP OP OP OP~ ) 
- MAKE NOTES 2 WEEKS before examination day. Even better if you can start earlier since the main goal is to study easily. ( So having notes done now will save you time for you to make notes then)
-Try teaching someone or even talk to yourself when studying. I find that if you teach someone a concept you have gained a more knowledgeable insight in explaining the work you got taught in, which really helps when going into a examination. 
- Get sleep , I don't know how many kids can think that in high school or college/university pulling an all nighter is going to help you get that A+. WELL hopefully you come to realize that you can function and memorize even better when you get enough sleep. So don't fret too much on staying up. You can always sleep early and then wake up around 1-2 hours before your real alarm clock to study :)) It really helps if you wake up and study it makes it easier to remember things *IMO*.
- Write, Speak , Read -> 3 key factors into keeping the lessons all in your brain without being jumbled. 

I wish any students in their exam moments to take deep breathes and work hard. Remember failure is ok as long as you tried and felt like you did your best that is all their is too it.

Stressed out?

- Take 10min inteval breaks and come back to your work to start again. Repeat and rinse til you get the concept and flip the page.
- Eat some candies or things that you like. I know for me its Chelsea and Uha candy that makes me smile and helps me become distressed. 

- Also , go watch a movie you like on a rerun. Do something you like doing for a few minutes that you know that you can pause or something. 
- You can always eat? Eating is usually the best option for me with exams when I'm nervous but after eating probably a few Costco fries I'm really chill and relaxed. 

Sorry for the short blog post guys and gals or too whoever is reading. As you can tell I have exams atm and trying to do my best and pray that I will achieve a good mark that suits me. So my question for you guys is how do you guys cope with high school stress? Any tips for high schoolers doing exams? 
What is your favorite candy * 0 *?

Bye bye~!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Doing Bad in What I Like.

Hey guys, 

How are ya'll doing? Today's rant is about how sometimes it sucks when you love something (i.e hobby,subject,passion) but can't reach that expectation. 

Today I faced an event that made me feel worthless, crap, useless and whatever sad things that may sound like a loser. Why? , because when I like doing this particular something or putting a lot of time on that. It  always backfires and comes back down with unforgiving results. Don't you hate it? When you put much passion into the thing that you do the most worst in? But cant seem to hate it because you like it so much? 

When you finally get the results of what you placed your passion in, the result isn't as you expected. The thing is by time ,it gets worse and only gets worse as each passing day comes by. 
I find it annoying how you struggle your best into that passion and feeling, although it may sound hypocritical because I'm a firm believer in effort. Life just sometimes knows how to buttfuck you so hard that you just can't even respond too it and just accept it.

I know for me it was English.. learning, writing, reading English. I had a thing for it but it never did for me. Everyday I would pray to some god out there begging that I just do well enough that I feel will suffice into my own conscious and usually it never does and just makes me deeply depressed. What other things that come to my mind is that I start thinking about  how or what factors did I do to receive this? I reflect and access my situation which then I go into a philosophical view and start inputting the grief cycle upon myself. 

I'm legitimately exhausted , that I can never do enough to prove that I don't deserve what I get back in return. As well, I guess sometimes it goes back into my teachers and where they were taught .
Heheheheheheheh.... sometimes I wish I can just go into endless tangents of discussion in my paper and probably be assessed with that xP because I probably can ace that. . . . =)

Anyways I guess my resolve is probably just suck it up and try harder. .  Despite how much I  don't get credited for it. Moral of the rant is just don't give up? I mean I know I'm not doing that well but I will walk with all of you guys who are going through the same problem as I am. 

So in conclusion, probably the most important thing is that passion and love. Don't lose it and don't give it up if its not working out easily. If what you like is not loving you back keep persisting. I know I will and hopefully I will see better results in my life and won't become crazy about not receiving what I should have got. (aww my Hyuna over there looks frustrated TT .TT . . hehhe ^^ btw that's my waifu)

 Question for you guys!! Do you guys have something you really love to do but will never receive the love back?

Bye bye guys!!

Monday, 21 January 2013

The MISERY of being Mugged/Jumped.

Hey guys ,

So i'm Quincy here to share a part of my life and finally getting around in creating  a blog. I know not many will likely read my stories but I just hope one day when I see myself older I can look back to myself and see the progress and footprints I left when I started this blog.

FIRST rant. 

Today my twin got mugged at school , it was hard for me to absorb the impact but I put on the stone face and just played it cool. Kind of regretting that I did that since I talked back to some teachers rudely when they asked if I was ok. Probably because they thought he was my twin, they would of thought I felt something like how he felt but I guess the message they interpreted from me was cold but I really wished I did not come off rude and just expressed without my feelings , being abruptly being lost. 

When I heard the story of my friends witnessing my twin getting mugged , I was pissed. Angered that I didn't even know it happened , but what got me thinking was that if I had a chance to just insert a memory chip into his head on what my family goes through DAILY. What he did to receive what was earned fairly-- Oh man would he had felt like shit. I honestly hope he gets caught.. 
Questions in my head I would ask is Why? Why would you steal from someone who spent COUNTLESS WORK HOURS working just to save up for a new phone. Take note our family isn't the most funded so saving up and buying a new phone I give creds to my twin. So for that hard work to be snatched as well receiving a punch in the face. Come on.. is that not too much? I know it may be lost now but I am hoping.. hoping that this person does turn himself in or gets caught. Knowing this... 

I also cannot believe my school and older siblings gave no shits or ambiance to my twin who got mugged but just replied with snarky witty comments. It's like they think its ok for someone to steal. For example at school. .. Our Vice, Mrs.Finster(example of a last name) goes on a jumble how my friend who called the police immediately was wrong for doing so and it was proto-call for you to alert the head office to adhere the situation... Now I know it was based of my friends quote but  what the FUCK honestly. I'm sorry but can I call BS? Mrs... you must be fucking stupid and scolding my friend for calling the police makes you look half as dumb when arguing with the other vice on who does their work better. Honestly if you think putting a reputable name for a school is first priority, and then the student comes second, then congratulations you managed to piss off an angry student. Hereby if I had no mercy to spread this into social media imagine how much crap you'll get into fucker..

Conclusion . . . Don't steal. Even if you can't afford it or want it badly put some god dam effort into what you want i.e make some cash and earn it . . . 

Effort does not betray you. If it ever does, that just means you didn’t put enough effort into it. "

-Kara : Nicole

That's basically a slice of life in my shoes. I'll try to post from time to time and I guess if anyone likes reading these rants please feel free to give advice or comment. Have you ever been mugged or know anyone who has? Have you ever tried catching the culprit and was able to give them a piece of your mind? Cause.. I'm still hoping to give mine. 

So yea :} My first Blog I guess. .. bye bye!