Monday, 21 January 2013

The MISERY of being Mugged/Jumped.

Hey guys ,

So i'm Quincy here to share a part of my life and finally getting around in creating  a blog. I know not many will likely read my stories but I just hope one day when I see myself older I can look back to myself and see the progress and footprints I left when I started this blog.

FIRST rant. 

Today my twin got mugged at school , it was hard for me to absorb the impact but I put on the stone face and just played it cool. Kind of regretting that I did that since I talked back to some teachers rudely when they asked if I was ok. Probably because they thought he was my twin, they would of thought I felt something like how he felt but I guess the message they interpreted from me was cold but I really wished I did not come off rude and just expressed without my feelings , being abruptly being lost. 

When I heard the story of my friends witnessing my twin getting mugged , I was pissed. Angered that I didn't even know it happened , but what got me thinking was that if I had a chance to just insert a memory chip into his head on what my family goes through DAILY. What he did to receive what was earned fairly-- Oh man would he had felt like shit. I honestly hope he gets caught.. 
Questions in my head I would ask is Why? Why would you steal from someone who spent COUNTLESS WORK HOURS working just to save up for a new phone. Take note our family isn't the most funded so saving up and buying a new phone I give creds to my twin. So for that hard work to be snatched as well receiving a punch in the face. Come on.. is that not too much? I know it may be lost now but I am hoping.. hoping that this person does turn himself in or gets caught. Knowing this... 

I also cannot believe my school and older siblings gave no shits or ambiance to my twin who got mugged but just replied with snarky witty comments. It's like they think its ok for someone to steal. For example at school. .. Our Vice, Mrs.Finster(example of a last name) goes on a jumble how my friend who called the police immediately was wrong for doing so and it was proto-call for you to alert the head office to adhere the situation... Now I know it was based of my friends quote but  what the FUCK honestly. I'm sorry but can I call BS? Mrs... you must be fucking stupid and scolding my friend for calling the police makes you look half as dumb when arguing with the other vice on who does their work better. Honestly if you think putting a reputable name for a school is first priority, and then the student comes second, then congratulations you managed to piss off an angry student. Hereby if I had no mercy to spread this into social media imagine how much crap you'll get into fucker..

Conclusion . . . Don't steal. Even if you can't afford it or want it badly put some god dam effort into what you want i.e make some cash and earn it . . . 

Effort does not betray you. If it ever does, that just means you didn’t put enough effort into it. "

-Kara : Nicole

That's basically a slice of life in my shoes. I'll try to post from time to time and I guess if anyone likes reading these rants please feel free to give advice or comment. Have you ever been mugged or know anyone who has? Have you ever tried catching the culprit and was able to give them a piece of your mind? Cause.. I'm still hoping to give mine. 

So yea :} My first Blog I guess. .. bye bye!

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