Monday 11 February 2013

Valentines Day / Looking past the cover --> liking a friend?

Hey guys , 

As valentines day is coming. I'm starting to feel the need to grab a tub of ice cream and start to watch sitcoms on my sofa til the day is done. While me feeling miserable how everyone I particularly know of is loved by another half. Kinda sucks =/ . However I'm starting to have these feelings for a friend. A really good friend. Though the friend is a complete douche bag, takes jokes way to far. I just can't help but to hate but like. . . is that awkward? I don't know maybe I can just see more then what meets the eye you know?

You know that friend right? The friend that's a complete jerk-off to everyone but somehow when you're alone. Spending time with them its just a complete different person? Now wen you hear the gossip and rumors about this friend. How people go on saying "how their a douche, their mean" etc but actually if you got to know them on a 1 to 1 basis and actually open and give a chance. In your own head you're like "He/She is not like that , they do that to cover up whats truly inside them" As for myself , i'm the BIGGEST hopeless romantic out there. So having these wallflowers in my life is like checkmarks on my hopeless romantic list.  . . 

Anyways here goes the feelings I noticed when I actually started to have feelings and like this person .  As time is passing, people start saying these things about him/her straight at my face. "You know he/she is like a *insert negative comment* right? " . While everyone head nods. I blatantly start defending the person. At this moment my eyes widen. My face is starting to feel hot. I run to the bathroom and start to compose myself what just happened. After school ended, I went on the bus and just pondered the thought still. Did I just defend someone who's known to be a douchbag? But really in the inside he/she isn't.  . . I tell my close friend this. Now I know some of you may ask that this friend could also know the persons rep but they don't go to my school so its a good choice as a mediator right 8D .  After hours of talking ....
My friend just answers " maybe you're in love" O.O . I started to feel flushed , my heart started to pound and I just typed "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO IT CAN'T BE" . I know I tried to deny it. But I couldn't. I can even understand for myself that defending that person was a spark that I actually had something for he/she. 

Now I'm confused. . . As Valentine is approaching I have a plan. Make some chocolates for him/her and my friends. So its not all that awkward  Put a letter for each one so its not that obvious who I'm actually trying to write too. Make it seem very vague that I have feelings for him/her but not to out there for them to decode and understand where I'm trying to get at and hopefully this will all work with my hopeless romantic mind set. Which brings me to what to expect and do to further tie my relation with them. 

So my question is guys HAVE ANY TIPS? I want to let them know how I feel but not in a strong at your face way. Something with class and that they'll grow to like me. . . As well what are you guys going to do for valentines day? Any plans? 

Bye bye~!
Happy Early Valentines to all you guys!

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