Monday 18 February 2013

Working with Partners ( School)

Hey guys ,

Today is another entry on school related stuff. Ughh . . where to start .

So were given this assignment by our teacher. That we need to be paired in groups and create a lesson for our class. Sure , I was down doing it alone but cause our teacher is ever so vigilant in keeping us included and not introverted. She insisted we have groups.  Fuck me. These kids come to me and ask me if I want to be in a group. Me being so iffy , I answered yes.

Now . .

Because we have the weekend off to do w/e I assumed they would do some shit. As we equally made parts for everyone to do. But you know what happened? No shit was done except for my part. So here I am late at night (2am) working my ass off. To help do their parts. Fuck me right? I legit gave several emails and text mssges. Asking to fucking do some shit or i'm kicking you out of the group. Honestly , if you don't want to do work fine simple I'll kick you out. OR snitch that you didnt do shit and hope you get a 0% .>.>

w/e I just gave a huge vent to my teacher explaining my situation and hopefully something gets done. I'M PRAYING something does.

#end rant.

bye guys. :[ wish me luck.

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